Mara Etienne-Manley

There are very few people who have the opportunity to do what they enjoy and earn a living. I say to that...well, I am blessed. 


My journalism career began as a news reporter in the Caribbean over 20 years ago. There I worked on local, regional and international news both in the public and private sectors. Following my studies at the London School of Journalism and the University of Birmingham, I have worked as a multimedia journalist  in a variety of roles including Researcher, Writer, Editor, Producer and News Presenter on both radio and television. Currently, I work with the British Broadcasting Coorporation (BBC) as a Broadcast Journalist and Digital News Reporter as well as  Script Supervisor on BBC Doctors, a television drama.


My interest in film and television has led me to not only pursue training in Film Production and Script Supervision but to also conduct research on representations of marginalized communities in mainstream media and so, I have completed a Masters (by Research) degree in Film and Creative Writing at the University of Birmingham. My research interests are centred on authentic representations in the media and how power and agency impact minority representation in the film and television industry.


As a writer and researcher of Caribbean heritage, I am committed to diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) initiatives and advocate for more diverse and accurate representation in the media. Through my work, I hope to promote understandings of onscreen representations of the global majority and the correlation between media, power and representation, through questions of economics, narrative, race and inclusion.


I am interested in developing sustainable solutions and diversity strategies to drive institutional change, such as diverse staffing in the writers’ rooms and casting departments for more authentic and accurate representations of people on the margins. Disregarding the unique histories, experiences and inequities of marginalised peoples essentially perpetuates the underrepresentation and / or erasure of people from various cultural and ethnic backgrounds, thereby providing audiences with a distorted image of reality while reinforcing cultural hegemony.


In my view, representation in the media is not just about diversity - it's also about visibility and context. My mission therefore is to contribute to the promotion and advancement of diversity, equity and inclusion in the media, particularly film and television, by not only being a pioneer but also an architect for change on a global level.


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